Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Incoherency in the key of E

I spend my days so angry lately.
I guess maybe frustration’s a better word, I just get so grumpy when I’m sleepy.
My eyes are burning as the world moves too fast beneath me.
You and I lay, barely breathing, in the shallow water of the evening,
“I want you to love me”
So I pull you closer to me and I kiss your lips so deeply,
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetie.”
It’s my honesty that always seems to get the best of me.
I’m an open book with transparent pages, everyone seeing through me, it’s so spooky.
I can’t make a move in this town with out feeling a little loopy.
The medication running through me is making the world a little blurry.
Sunlight keeps me blinded as it slowly heats the concrete and I sing:
“Never gain, never again, never again…”,
And I hum a little melody to accompany the broken chorus of my dry-throat.
With my voice cracking I sing:
“…never again.”
A year full of first Christmases and birthdays and Halloween parties I wasn’t dressed for.
I kicked the bucket like a summer storm.
I kicked the bucket like was what I lived for.
I can hear the rain pitter-pat outside and I hope for soaked bones under wet clothes.
Really I just want to be lying next to you, falling asleep in the humidity of the afternoon.
I’m leaving fingerprints on every inch of skin that I can get my hands on and filling my lungs with every scent that will make you linger long after I’ve gone.
I love you like a summer storm.
I love you like it is what I live for.
Waking up the world to the prettiest girl I know.
Her lips like a gulp of water to my own parched, unworthy mouth.
A smile like every sunrise or sunset that I missed when I was too busy trying to catch up on sleep.
She is beauty and I will do my best to love her as such.
She is beauty and I will do my best to love her as such.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh, I'm definitely a hypocrite, but at least I admit it.

This is a plagued generation of point and click patriots saving the world with words from the comfort of their homes.

Sign a petition with ones and zeros.

Clothe the homeless with HTML.

Java script food drives.

Whatever you do, don’t go outside.

Join a Facebook group to show you care.

“Save Darfur.”

“No blood for oil.”

“Bring our troops home.”

Don’t let animals die for art, but allow humans to die down the street.

Ignore the issues.

Go to sleep.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It has come to my attention...

Apparently people I don't even know read this. Weird. Introduce yourselves.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Never take your eyes off your opponent, even when you bow.

Between kissed lips and fists clenched we sit.
Drenched in the sweat brought upon us by the weight of the world around us.
The weight of things we know not of but we still hoist heartily like the protest signs of the seventies children.
Back when people stood for something more than themselves.
Back when repeated words spread like a wildfire game of telephone between kindergarten-aged children.
The message is still there, just muddled by the shining lights of the cities.
We can not stand for this.
We can not stand by, ignorant, A small voice echoing between the blankets and dirty sheets of modern politics.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Whisper things to me of how I should be.
Tall tales spun from the shining red lips of priests.
Kiss them to mine.
Take my sin into you, deeply.
You will save me.