Thursday, August 21, 2008


My eyes perceive nothing but black skies outside these dusty walls. They crave the sun, but little do they know...its out there waiting. Its out there waiting to attack and bounce off them blinding. Send me away, tell me “Oh, boy, don’t you dare come back.” Well, I won’t. No, but not because you said those words to me. No, I won’t be back, but not because you told me anything. My eyes can’t see anything but black skies past your shining face. They know me. They know how I’m going to change. Yeah, they see me. They see walking away like I won’t come back, but I will be. Little do they know...

Monday, August 4, 2008


I have absolutely no one that I can talk to about everything that is making me feel like I'm being crushed. It all effects anyone I could talk to in some way or the people are having equally as trying times.

As of now I am financially fucked, which is making me emotionally fucked. Work is definitely not helping. I'm in over my head, with my hands tied, and everyone is asking me why I can't swim over and over and over. Its almost to the point where I can't take it. I fight panic attacks all day long and thats wearing on me too. I need to see someone, but seeing as I have no money ever, I'm not sure how.

For the next two months or so I will be living in forced poverty so I can try and get back on my feet, but even then the well can only hold so much water before all of the thirsty people have drained it dry. What then?

Cell phone
Car insurance
Loans from my mom to take care of previous late rent/gas/electric/cell phone/insurance.

I just don't know what to do at all. I feel like an utter failure.


The air swims around me, thick. Thick like the blood chugging on through my veins. Thick like thieves. Basically the same thing. Time is running out for us. The clock-piece cogs are falling all over Brooklyn while my father tells me all my dreams are drowning, which is ironic, this being a dream and all. A life wasted for the want of some sort of reaction. Nuclear, to be clear here. Platonic always sounded like something that glows green anyway, right? Something cancer-causing. This doesn’t mean a thing. Hospitalize me for the way I think, suffocate me in medicine and bleach white sheets. This isn’t me. Will someone tell everyone this just isn’t me, please? Glass shatters strong when it hits the streets. Silver timepiece broken, stopping everything. Wake me up. I need the secrecy of her smoky bedroom. I need the sweet smell of her skin. I need to shake myself awake to those bright brown eyes and curly blonde hair. Someone pinch me please.