Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year. Its a cold night with cold streets and the coldest feet you've ever seen...or felt, I guess. She had the reddest lips. The whitest dress. And you couldn't say a thing. She was so...A) Beautiful B) Unique C) Stunning D) All of the above? I think we all know the answer here. And you...you were so scared. "How?" That's what you ask yourself. "How could I be so scared with all of this weed/alcohol/caffeine in my system. I am so invincible/funny/perfect." You can't say a word. And there she is. Smiling at you. Looking. She's still looking. You smile back. She looks away at her friend who looks at you and smiles to her. And you can't say a thing. Happy New Year in 3...2...1...its cold tonight. Her lips were so red. Your face was so...there. That's it. You exist without existing in 3...2...1...the whitest dress. And you couldn't say a thing. But you felt it. You recognized it. Happy New Year.

jude via sidekick

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